“SMS – Spazio di Mutuo Soccorso” is a mutual aid project that takes place in a huge headquarter in Milan. This experience was born in 2013 thanks to a committee for city rights against eviction and gentrification.
In this place, SMS, there are different projects: a popular gym, a swap market that fight fast fashion and promote recycle and reuse, a popular university with different courses and a languages school, a buying collective that connect customers with farmers of the area, a playgroup for childrens, a bicycle repair and much more.
SMS is a resistant community in which inhabitants and volunteers cooperate to build up an experience outside of market and business logics, in which exchanges and solidarity are the guidelines to reach autonomy and freedom.
The mutual aid space is a place where the circular economy is experimented.
The clothes are reused and brought back to life, the garden in the courtyard provides products for food distribution to the needy, the Solidarity and Popular Purchase Group puts small agricultural producers and consumers in contact, avoiding the large-scale distribution chain.
For these reasons SMS is the ideal place to host the first of a series of conference about climate justice: a place free from the market dynamics that led us to the climate crysis, a place that with its own existance is a proof that another world is possible, a beacon of hope that promises to lead us in the right direction.